Homeschool Spirit Week
Whoever thought homeschooled kids have zero fun better check their assumptions at the door. Not in the least bit! At least not for my homeschoolers. They are always game for anything that spells F - U - N.
A couple of months ago, in November, I came across the Homeschool Spirit Week outline on the Homeschool Family Facebook page I'm a part of. I wasn't sure we'd be able to pull it off, but decided to share it with the kids anyway. They were game! They wanted to join in the fun.

Pajama Monday was so much fun. It was pretty much an extension of the weekend for the boys. They could not get over the fact that I was indeed allowing them to stay in their PJs and robes all day long, although I did insist that all personal grooming be observed.

The younger two came to shine as Iron Man and Bat Man on Superhero Tuesday. Judging from their new found love (the two younger ones), and renewed awe (the oldest) of Black Panther, something tells me that they'd all be vying to be T'challa the Black Panther next time Spirit Week. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for those Black Panther consumes and will be grabbing one in each size.

My favorite was Tacky, or in their own words, Wacky Wednesday. I gave them creative freedom, and below is what they came up with. The little one did get some help, but the other two...yup, that's all their own doing. It was so much fun for me to watch as they ran around the house to figure out what the'd use as props.

For Thursday, we did discuss what they'd like to be when they grow up, and not much has changed. Umar is still into anything engineering / tech-related, Hanif still wants to be a Police Officer, and Abdullah just wants to be like Dad. On Friday, we engaged in some STEM activities. No pictures for those two days. By then, they were done with trying to figure out how to work their dress up. I suspect that they had so much fun upfront that they were too fatigued to get into cosplay for those last two days.
So yes, we get to have fun in our homeschool. In fact, it is an important part of our curriculum.